La Flor Fruit Cana
1� partFlor de Cana 7 year
�partLime Juice
�partPineapple Juice
�partSimple Syrup
3dropsVanilla Extract
10Cilantro Leaves
8mint leaves
Muddle mint, cilantro, lime and pineapple juice in a Collins glass.
Add the Flor de Ca�a 7 year rum and vanilla. Fill the glass halfway with crushed ice and use a spoon to swizzle ingredients.
Fill the glass the rest of the way with crushed ice and give another swizzle.
Garnish with a mint and cilantro spring.
To celebrate the win for La Flor tribe and their prize of an exotic fruit basket and signature Nicaraguan spices, how about a fun cocktail? This drink below uses vanilla bean, cilantro and pineapple � all ingredients that were included in their victory basket!